Tarja Gordienko -

Great to be on board!

Helsinki Chemicals Forum is the leading international special event for chemical safety and chemical management. The event attracts chemical safety experts and decision-makers to Messukeskus in Helsinki every year.

As a recently appointed Secretary General of Helsinki Chemicals Forum, I wish you all warmly welcome to the next forum, which is the 10-year anniversary of the event!

It is great to continue working with chemical safety. In providing the coordination of the annual conference, I hope to benefit from my expertise and network from my years at ECHA and the European Commission.

My aim is to develop the Helsinki Chemicals Forum into an even stronger and globally acknowledged chemical safety event. This is something I cannot do alone. I invite you all to bring your ideas together and spread the word about the key conference promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally!

The programme for the next Helsinki Chemicals Forum in June has been prepared by the previous Secretary General Hannu Vornamo, with the international Programme Committee. I warmly thank Hannu Vornamo for his 10 years of service enhancing the Helsinki Chemicals Forum.

The next Helsinki Chemicals Forum will be held in Helsinki between 14 and 15 June. The forum’s themes delve into the highly topical issues of the risks posed by microplastics, endocrine disruptors and nanomaterials to human health and the environment. International capacity building and priorities of substances of potential concern are the other panel topics.

To have a sneak peek of what the program has to offer and to spot our top expert speakers, have a look at our website.

Reserve these dates in your calendar so that we can meet in Helsinki in June!

Geert Dancet blog photo

Photo | European Chemicals Agency

Geert Dancet, Secretary General