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Helsinki Chemicals Forum 2024 Programme

Wednesday 10 April

Master of Ceremony Paula Diaz Rodriguez, Chair of the Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group (DUCC) 

Time zone EEST

10.00-11.30 Guided tour at ChemBio exhibition

11.30-12.00 Presentation at the EPAA stand

12.00-13.00 Lunch, sponsored by EPAA

Keynote 1: Chemicals policy at the crossroads – achievements and challenges for the future Commission

Kristin Schreiber, Director, DG GROW, European Commission


Keynote 2: What will be the future role of ECHA under the EU’s revised set chemicals regulations

Sharon McGuinness, Executive Director of ECHA


Keynote 3: Personal reflections from the ICCM-5 and perspectives of the new Global Framework on Chemicals

Anita Breyer, President of ICCM-5



Panel 1: How does the new Global Framework on Chemicals influence the global supply chains to manage chemicals safer during the whole product lifecycle?


Moderated by Jacqueline Alvarez, Chief of Chemicals & Health Branch, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP

Panelists: Anita Breyer, Director-General for Chemical Safety, Immission Control and Transport, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany, Chrysanthi Sofokleous, Chemicals Legislation Manager, CEFIC and ICCA, Satish Sinha, Associate Director, Toxics Link and Arthur Fong, Environmental Technologies Smarter Chemistry Lead, Apple & Co-Chair California Green Ribbon Science Panel

The new Global Framework on Chemicals was adopted at the end of September 2023 in Bonn. This ambitious new Framework, successor to SAICM, provides all stakeholders, from governments, international agencies to the private sector and civil society with an ambitious vision: a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste. Collaboration will be key for the successful implementation of the new Framework – including within the global value chains – and this need is well acknowledged and reflected within its strategic objectives. The panel will explore the role of the new Global Framework on Chemicals in shaping global supply chains for the safer management of chemicals throughout their lifecycle. The panelists will also share their perspectives on the importance of collaboration and a unified approach to ensure the accomplishment of the new Framework’s vision.

  • What are the main lessons leant from the experience in the implementation of the new Framework’s predecessor (SAICM) or other global instruments and initiatives, that could be useful in scaling up or as part of the basis for the implementation of the new Framework, especially with regard to the engagement and influence of value chains?
  • How does the new Framework take into account the need for cooperation within the global value chains, and can it serve as a roadmap for them with regard to the sound management of chemicals and waste? What kind of partnerships would be more effective and help to achieve impact at global level?
  • What have so far been the main challenges in the value chains’ involvement and what would be necessary, in concrete terms, to enhance their involvement and action? Which elements of the new Global Framework on Chemicals can help addressing these challenges? What benefits or added value would there be for the value chains?
  • How can other stakeholders outside the value chains, contribute to or support this process?   

Panel 2: How can substitution planning help to create regulatory certainty, promote investments in safer alternatives and speed up the substitution of the most harmful chemicals?


Moderated by Otto Linher Senior expert at the European Commission, DG Growth, REACH Unit

Panelists: Simon Cogen, Expert, Sustainable Economy Unit, Ministry Economic Affairs Belgium, Christel Davidson, DUCC, Theresa Kjell, Expert, Substitution planning, ChemSec and Joel Tickner, Executive Director, Change Chemistry

The European Commission is investigating options to use substitution plans as a more flexible tool to require early substitution of hazardous chemicals where it is feasible while avoiding disruptive bans where substitution is not feasible. By bringing all relevant actors together, substitution planning could create a dynamic to jointly search for innovative solutions, remove uncertainties by better investment planning, and generate a win/win situation for health/environmental protection and industry competitiveness. 

  • How can a more ambitious agenda for substituting hazardous substances deal with the need for derogations for complex essential uses (e.g. technical uses of PFAS such as semiconductors or membranes; Chromium VI in safety relevant parts of airplanes/machinery)? What about uses where substitution takes time, and some actors can substitute and others cannot (e.g. due to different quality requirements, lack of sufficient production capacities, legal constraints)? What about assessing alternatives early on to prevent regrettable substitution? 
  • Can substitution plans be a tool to support restrictions and avoid regulatory micro-management in such cases? How could substitution planning in a regulatory context work in practice? How can flexibility be reconciled with legal certainty? How can free-riding be prevented?
  • What could be the governance of developing and implementing substitution plans? Who should be involved at what stage in the process and how can the process be kept manageable? What role can authorities, alternative providers, NGOs and academia play? 
17.20-18.30 Joint reception with ChemBio at Plaza stage with ECHA Choir performance
18.30-19.00 Transit to the Hall of the City of Helsinki
19.00-20.30 Reception and walking dinner at the Empire Room of the City Hall

Thursday 11 April

Master of Ceremony Paula Diaz Rodriguez, Chair of the Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group (DUCC) 

Time zone EEST

Panel 3: Learnings from changes to the chemicals legislation elsewhere (US, Canada, Australia, Japan)

10.30- 12.00

Moderated by Mercedes Viñas, Director of Submissions and Interaction, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

Panelists: Michal Freedhoff, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), Bryan Stephens, Senior Legislative Policy Advisor, Environment and Climate Change Canada Senior Policy Advisor & Heather McCready, Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Graeme Barden, Executive Director, Australian Industrial Chemical Introduction Scheme (AICIS) and Erika Uchino, the director of chemical safety office, Chemical Management Policy Division, Japan

Chemical legislation is experiencing changes globally, with diverse approaches to tackle identified challenges. In this regulatory transformation, some of the common challenges relate to the information basis, advancing  animal-free solutions, deriving science-based decisions and accelerating risk management.

This panel brings together regulators around the world to share their experiences, insights, and learnings for overcoming these challenges and implementing effective solutions. Key questions include:

12.00-13.00 Lunch

Panel 4: Increasing the Use of Economic Instruments for Chemicals Management


Moderated by Eeva Leinala Principal Administrator, Environment Health and Safety Programme, OECD

Panelists: Rafael Cayuela, Corporate Chief Economist, Sonja HaiderSenior Business and Investors Advisor, ChemSec, Daniel Slunge, Director Centre for Future chemical Risk Assessment and Management, University of Gothenburg and Peter Korytar, European Commission, DG ENV, Sustainable Chemicals unit

Chemical risk management has typically focused on regulatory ‘command and control’ measures with less emphasis on market-based or voluntary approaches. Strong regulatory frameworks are needed. Complementary to this, there is ample room to increase the use of economic instruments to create incentives for the private sector to shift to more proactive and sustainable chemical management solutions. It is also vital to demonstrate and communicate the (socio)economic value of both governments and industry improving chemicals management.

Panel 5: Are Transition Pathways for Sustainability demonstrating how industrial sectors can achieve both the EU’s chemicals and industrial strategies?


Moderated by Leigh Stringer, Managing Editor Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa

Panelists: Sylvie Lemoine, Deputy Director General, Cefic, Simon Cook, Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux, Sonja Haider, Senior Business and Investors Advisor, Chemsec and Kristin Schreiber, Director, DG GROW, European Commission

The EU’s ambition of transitioning to a green, digital and resilient economy – set out under the Green Deal and Industrial Strategy – requires the direct involvement of industrial sectors. To achieve Europe’s goals, European authorities are developing transition pathways for key industrial ecosystems, including chemicals, construction and textiles. The challenge of these transitional ‘blueprints’ is ensuring industry is fully resilient, can compete globally and at the same time tackle the sustainability objectives set out under the Green Deal and chemicals strategy for sustainability to address the most harmful chemicals.

16.00-16.10 Concluding remarks by Geert Dancet, Secretary General, Helsinki Chemicals Forum
16.10-17.10 Get Together hosted by EPAA at Lilla Strindberg
Note: 16.10-18.30 Repeat of Panel 3 for online viewers only (not being able to join the online presentation of the morning due to difference of their time zone)

Note: this programme is still subject to changes so you are advised to regularly check it on the HCF website

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What is HCF?

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) is an independent non-profit forum founded by the Finnish Fair Foundation and the City of Helsinki aimed at promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally.

Each year the HCF conference gathers speakers and participants from around the globe to discuss hot topics on chemicals regulation from an international perspective. The conference is engaging international authorities, politicians, industry leaders, NGOs, academics, journalists and specialists in chemical safety management. In even years the conference will take place at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Finland. In odd years it will take place in Asia. The last Asian HCF conference – called Asian Chemicals Forum (ACF) – took take place in New Delhi, India in September 2023 and was organised together with Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA) and the main sponsor Global Product Compliance Group providing chemical regulation compliance services in India and other parts of the world.

The ACF 2023 report on the debates held at the first Asian Chemicals Forum is now published. The conference was run as a hybrid event, with delegates able to attend in person or join virtually. As a result of the success of this year’s forum, it has been decided that all HCF or ACF conferences will be the hybrid format in future.

Why to attend?

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum has successfully established its place as the leading forum for promoting chemical safety and analysing different problem areas over the years.

“It is great to continue working with chemical safety. In providing the coordination of the annual conference, I hope to benefit from my expertise and network from my years at ECHA and the European Commission. My aim is to develop the Helsinki Chemicals Forum into an even stronger and globally acknowledged chemical safety event. This is something I cannot do alone. I invite you all to bring your ideas together and spread the word about the key conference promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally!”

Mr. Geert Dancet, Secretary General of Helsinki Chemicals Forum

Just ask our attendees why participate in the conference

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Why travel to congresses?

“I travel a lot – for a scientist, it’s the best way to keep abreast of the field. It allows us to develop new concepts based on personal chemistry, by meeting people face to face“, says Howy Jacobs, Professor in molecular biology.

Conference reports & presentations

All significant new ideas and conclusions arising from the themes covered in the forum are compiled into a Conference Report by our media partner Enhesa (Chemical Watch News & Insight) . Links to reports:

Conference pictures

Image bank

Conference videos

HCF 2022 event video
HCF 2019 after movie

Press accreditation

If you want to accreditate as a press delegate, please contact:

Ms Anu-Eveliina Mattila
Communications Manager
+358 50 555 6183

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HCF info

The HCF conference gathers speakers and participants from around the globe to discuss hot topics on chemicals regulation from an international perspective

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Helsinki Chemicals Forum European conferences are being organized by The Finnish Fair Corporation (Messukeskus) and the Secretary General of HCF in co-operation with many partner organisations which take part in the Advisory Board and/or the Programme Committee.

HCF Advisory Board

The HCF Advisory Board consists of high-level leaders from different partner organisations. It plays a vital role in shaping, advising and directing the strategy of HCF and validating the the conference programmes.

Advisory Board members:

Jarmo Muurman, Director Circular Economy, Environment Ministry – Chair
Peter Van de Zandt, Director of Risk Management, ECHA – Vice-Chair​
Steven Stone, Deputy director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP  ​
Mika Aalto, Director General, Finnish Chemical Industry Federation​
Markku Leskelä, President, Association of Finnish Chemical Societies​
Tiina Putkonen, Director, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency​
Mikko Ritala, Professor Inorganic Materials Chemistry, University of Helsinki​
Kristin Schreiber, Director, DG Growth, EU-Commission​
Sylvie Lemoine, Executive Director Product Stewardship, Cefic                           ​
Kumi Kitamori, Deputy Director, Environment Directorate, OECD​
Anssi Rajala, Business Manager, The Finnish Fair Corporation​
Jari Keinänen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs & Health​
Guy Thiran, Director General, Eurometaux​
Per Ängqvist, General Director, KEMI, Sweden​
Patrick Ten Brink, Secretary General, EEB   ​
Mika Sulkinoja, Director, Carbon-neutral circular economy, SITRA​
Shisher Kumra, Head of Secretariat, RRMA 

HCF Programme Committee

The HCF Programme Committee consists of representatives of international chemical stakeholder organizations and chemicals authorities. The Programme Committee is led by Mr. Geert Dancet, Secretary General of Helsinki Chemicals Forum.

Programme Committee members:

Bob Diderich, Head of Division, Environment Health and Safety, OECD
Hugo Waeterschoot, Chemicals Management Advisor , Eurometaux
Jacqueline Alvarez, Chief of the Chemicals & Health Branch, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP
Jake Sanderson, Manager, Horizontal Policy and Planning, Environment Canada
Joel Tickner, Professor oh Public Health, UMass Lowell and Executive Director, Change Chemistry
Leigh Stringer, Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch
Otto Linher, Senior Expert, Reach Unit, DG Growth, EU Commission
Steven Van De Broeck, Director REACH & Chemicals Policy, CEFIC
Tatiana Santos, Head of Chemicals Policy, EEB
Tingting Li, Marketing director, REACH24H Consultig Group, China
Vaibhav Diwan, Global Business Development Manager, Global Product Compliance (GPC) Group, Sweden
Paula Diaz, Chair of DUCC, EU
Jutta Frick, Team leader, Internal and Stakeholder communications, ECHA
Graeme Barden, executive director, Australian Industrial Chemicals introduction Scheme

Media associate

Enhesa (Chemical Watch News & Insight) provides independent intelligence and insight for product safety professionals managing chemicals. We help businesses across value chains stay ahead of the dynamic chemicals management agenda by providing access to in-depth knowledge, tools and a network of experts. We empower our members to transform product safety management and unlock the full value of regulatory compliance within their business.

HCF partners

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Press accreditation

If you want to accreditate as a press delegate, please contact Ms Anu-Eveliina Mattila

Welcome to Helsinki

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a modern and popular conference city offering well-functioning and safe setting in beautiful surroundings for Helsinki Chemicals Forum.

Helsinki is friendly, safe, northern, functional, human size and easy to reach from all over the world. Visitors enjoy fresh air from the Baltic Sea, the great scenery and cool beat of the Nordic city.

Due to the fact that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is located in Helsinki, the city can be referred to as ‘European chemicals capital’.

Helsinki Tourist Information serves you at Pohjoisesplanadi 19 and at

Messukeskus Helsinki

Messukeskus Helsinki attracts yearly over a million visitors to trade fairs, conferences, concerts, meetings and other events. Located in business district of Pasila, flexible connections, to the Helsinki Airport and the Railway Station as well to the City Centre of Helsinki, are guaranteed.

Helsinki Chemicals Forum

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) is an independent, non-profit forum founded by the Finnish Fair Foundation and the City of Helsinki, dedicated to promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally

The 16th Helsinki Chemicals Forum will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre in 2026 at the same time with ChemBio Finland, the event for the chemistry and biotechnology professionals in the Nordic Countries and Baltic regions, as well as Pulp & Beyond, the leading international event for the forest industry.

This event unites international authorities, industry leaders, politicians, academics, NGOs, journalists, and experts in chemical safety management, fostering groundbreaking ideas and collaborations.

Media associate

HCF partners

At the same time at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre

ChemBio Finland is the most significant event for the chemistry and biotechnology professionals in the Nordic Countries and Baltic regions.

Pulp & Beyond is the leading international event for the forest industry.

Looking for these?